Especially in 15cm Platforms!!!! My feet started to hurt after 2hrs of walking/standing x.x Lucky i brought normal shoes to change out of once EOY was over~
Anyway here are pics of our team....Well more like uncompleted team cause Ayu ran away somewhere,Stefy was grounded and Calyx got into an accident O-O I really hope she is ok....We were all worried abt what happened to her!!! But all we know frm her father was that she got into an accident and is in hospital x.x
Note* : These pics aren't mine....i took them my sgcafe >< SORRY FOR TAKING THE PICS WITHOUT ASKING PERMISSION WHOEVER'S IS IT!!!!
Oh yea....Shinodax was suppose to be in our team....but he changed into the disorder version instead -.- Either way....he is the best Reita cosplay i have seen in singapore so far x.x
His hair was so hard!!!!! x.x And again i took these pics frm sgcafe again ><
It was abit boring....but it was ok overall x.x .....I wanted more people to take my pics T^T But our vests were with calyx(which was in the hospital)so we kindda cosfucked i guess ><
Some people were calling me chibi -.- including Rukai!!!! Oh yea i smacked himu a total of 10 times that day XD I should have kicked him.....Oh well......maybe next time ^^
Nothing much to talk about nowadays.....Went to watch Enchanted on Friday....It was abit too....'Girly' and 'Lovey dovey' For my liking.... Rukai followed along......Everyone was calling him emo and saying something about cute little boy -.-
Rukai looked cute in his default faceup
I wouldn't call him cute now....more emo...i guess....
Anyway random pic spam now.....
I feel so lonely
Maybe you can help me?
Or maybe i would wait for my troubles to go away..
Memories i cannot get rid off
Maybe my answers are far from my reach
I keep waiting....
But noone seems to hear me
Ok Thats all the pics i editted....I will put the other ups later i guess...
Havoc aka. minichaos
B'dae=27 FEB
Likes=Drawing,Cosplaying,Listening to the GazettE,Online gaming & emoing
Dislikes=Veggies,Chemistry, Nagging,Flamers,Myself
Fave bands: Gazette(duh),12012,Linkin Park,MCR
Fave food: Beef(Yummy),Pizza,double cheese burger and cheesy fries
Fave snack: CHOCOLATES!!!!!!!
Fave drink: Coke/Pepsi
Fave songs from the Gazette: Cassis,Filth in the beauty,Burial Applicant,Hyena and Taion <3
Fave person to draw: Uruha~
Fave Jrockers: Ruki<3,Kai<3,Wataru<3
I see a shooting star
Meet Ruki in person and get a kiss from me <3(Like that would ever happen but a person has their dreams right?)
Be a millionaire
Meet my one true love(?)
Do a good cosplay
Be a good realism artist
Get jrocker hair
Get my dream job
Lip piecing(Maybe once i'm free from my parents...)
More PS2 Games
A happy life...